While putting up with his talk about Elicia, Ed learns Hughes has been promoted to Lt. Just as Mustang denies it, a military entourage led by Brigadier General Grand arrives, stating that Eastern Command will serve as a temporary headquarters for Führer King Bradley, though Ed can feel something is suspicious about the Führer's secretary.Įd meets with Hughes who came with the entourage in the mess hall. Tim Marcoh and asks if Mustang knew him since someone with his abilities wouldn't have gone on unnoticed by the State Military.

Ignoring Mustang's advice about giving up, Ed mentions the tip he got from Belsio in Xenotime about the alchemist doctor Dr. Mustang then mentions Edward's other recent missions-the disappearance of Mugear in Xenotime, with Mustang wanting a report on the red water the police report from Aquroya, and Mustang asking if Psiren is as beautiful as rumored. In the hallway, Ed points out that he and Al can't keep it, causing Al to run out in sadness, and Ed remembering he once had the same problem with their mother about keeping a cat.Įd then meets with Mustang and discuss about the results of the Reole mission. The Mustang Unit then discuss on who should keep the dog, just as the Elrics arrive when a strange sound which Ed realizes is a cat hidden in Al's armor. Fuery brought in out of the rainy weather. He soon notices Al had gone off doing something suspicious. Ed imagines what Mustang will say for what happened in Reole. If Ed wins, Roy must tell the truth about the traveling doctor who saved children in Xenotime.Įd and Al finally arrive in East City to report to Colonel Mustang on their investigation into the Philosopher's Stone. Just in time for his annual Assessment, Ed challenges Mustang to a fight.